Saturday, April 2, 2011

Social Links are coming along!

It just takes a LOT of time and a LOT of hard work and a TON OF CODING -

I'm ending my sentences with;  semi-colons;

But we're getting there - <a href"www,blah, blah," _target> </a> OMG!


Got ButterMilk?   My it's TASTY!    

Friday, April 1, 2011

It's all really coming together!

We're working on our WEB LOGO and getting our Social Nets set up - with Graphic Icon link to each of Main Social Networks! 

We'll be coding in some PHP so we can TRACK EVERYTHING - (and just becuase you have PHP in the file name does NOT mean that you even HAVE coded in PHP into your GIF!)

Welcome to the NEW DIGITAL AGE - we have partnered up with some STRONG peole that all come from - well - we are all ---------??   But we all have day gigs! 

Marcus Sawyer - After Effects, Audio/Visual Specialist!

Dick Tinsley - Photography - *(stock and custom)

Mike Wheelter - Graphic Design (Photoshop, AI, In Design, Fireworks) Audio/Video

Joe Little - Graphic Design (PS, AI, 3D Rendering, Flash, Shockwave)

Jack Grochmal - TECH GURU, Audio/Video Speicialist, Graphics Design and ANYTHING else!

Stephen McCord - Marketing Specialist - VP of Marketing (Finder of TALENT)

Butter Milk - CEO (Chief Eccentric Officer) - IT, Website, Social Meida, Graphcis,
Audio/Video, Legal, Business Affairs, Accounting and pretty much ANYTHING you could ask for! 

Welcome to ButterMilk Media! 

Got ButterMilk?  My that's TASTY!

The ButterMilk Team....